Decade anniversary will assess progress towards a just community
Be bold to changes-Decade in solidarity with Women
What has been achieved in building a just community of women and men? What must still be done? How can ecumenical collaboration be strengthened in reading the signs of the times in order to map the future direction of work?
The World Council of Churches (WCC) fellowship and ecumenical partners will gather in an inter-generational setting seeking answers to these questions through a global consultation in Jamaica, Oct. 2 to 5, that commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Decade of the Churches in Solidarity with Women.
Hosted by the Jamaica Council of Churches, it will be held in the context of the WCC's 70th anniversary, its ongoing Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, and the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, said the WCC Press Center.
By the end of the gathering, participants will share a vision statement for moving towards a just community of women and men in church and society. The consultation will focus its activities around celebrating the gifts, visiting the wounds and transforming injustices in the relationships between women and men in the church since 1998.
Participants will highlight the four priority topics for the decade: violence against women in various forms, women's full and creative participation in the church's life, the effect of the global economic crisis on women, and the impact of racism and xenophobia on women.
Copyright@ The Fig Tree, October, 2018