Other sources of Religion News
Faith Action Network WA
- World Council of Churches
- National Council of Churches
- National Assn of Evangelicals
- Religion News Service
- Religion News Spokane - Spokane FAVS
- World Association for Christian Communication
- Sojourners
Regional Denominational Religious News links
- Roman Catholic - Diocese of Spokane
- Northwest Intermountain Synod - ELCA
- Pacific Northwest United Methodist Church
- Pacific Northwest UCC United Church News
- Pacific Northwest UCC Conference
- The Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
- Presbytery of the Inland Northwest
- Northern Lights Region - Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
- The Northwest Baptist - American Baptist Church
- Spokane Islamic Center
- United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
- Union of Reform Judaism
Other sources of Faith Issues News
- Community-Minded Enterprises
- The Center for Environmental Law and Policy
- Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane
- Spokane Alliance
- Cameron Conner Blog: Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box: Hopeful Stories of Communities Organizing to Build Power and Win
Fig Tree Writer's Guidelines
Media Coverage of The Fig Tree
- KYRS Interview with Mary Stamp on SOS Spokane - April 12, 2018
- Spokesman Review "Deep roots: The Fig Tree celebrates 35 years", Fri., March 22, 2019, 5 p.m. - By Cindy Hval
WCC Prayer Cycle The World Council of Churches
In God's Hands: The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
At the very heart of the ecumenical movement is the reality of prayer. Jesus prayed that we may all be one, united in God in the mystery of the Trinity. That is the basis and the goal of our search for unity.