Inga Jablonsky is impressed with ways people serve
Inga Jablonsky |
Inga Jablonsky signed up through United Way to volunteer with The Fig Tree in 2011, drawn to help with archiving articles.
Her story of coming from Germany to Tuscon, Ariz., 30 years ago, moving to Spokane in 1988, earning a master’s in German didactics and literature, and teaching German 20 years at Spokane Falls Community College is in the February 2013 Fig Tree. The article tells of her researching and writing a book on German Dominican sisters in the Northwest.
She grew up in a German family involved in the Social Democratic Party and attended the state church (Lutheran) going to Sunday school in her childhood and studying catechism before being confirmed. She saw the church as being there to marry, baptize and bury people. Inga worked as a church secretary, but saw herself as a humanist.
“We each need to do our little part to assure everyone has the same rights and access to resources,” said Inga, who worked at an Episcopal school in Tuscon and its summer school on Long Island.
In 1995, she read about German Dominican Sisters in Spokane. She met them and wrote a book on their history.
“Volunteering with The Fig Tree, I am again involved in church,” said Inga, who edits the newspaper and directory, helps with mailings and events, and serves on the board.
“I’m impressed what people find to do, picking up on a need I may see,” she said. “Now I consider myself a person of faith in terms of helping people do good, seeing need and doing something to make life better for everyone.”
Inga Jablonsky signed up through United Way to volunteer with The Fig Tree in 2011, drawn to help with archiving articles.
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